Philadelphia Bat Mitzvah Photographer
Love Shack Photo
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Bar & Bat Mitzvahs

Philadelphia Bat Mitzvah Photographer

I photographed Jessica's Bat Mitzvah portraits at her parent's house in Upper Dublin, PA. I always try and have a session with the mitzvah child prior to the ceremony and party day. I wanted a natural and comfortable environment that Jessica could feel the most herself in. Jessica is a bright, beautiful and confidant person. This 13 year old girl has serious skills. She excels at many things, including academics and sports, particularly basketball. She showed me how to spin a basketball on her finger, something I have always wanted to learn. She has such grace and her smile is just ready to take you in.

One thing that Jessica is really involved with is animal rescue, and for her mitzvah community service project, she choose to help develop a dog rescue fund. She really wanted a puppy for the longest time, so in that fact she was gifted a puppy at her bat mitzvah party by her generous parents was heart fulfilling to witness. It was a wonderful moment and she was crying tears of joy!

For Jessica's Get-To-Know-You session, it was a lovely early fall day with perfect light and the family backyard had so much for me to play with and to inspire me (besides Jessica's inspirational personality!) The late afternoon light through the leaves sparkled and the shade provided a perfect softbox. I love this image because Jessica looks to be thinking seriously of her future, all that it holds, but still rooted in her parent's wonderful care. And she still has a party to attend!